I am proud to announce that this particular drawing was recently published in Lowrider Arte Magazine. I have always enjoyed flipping through the pages of this magazine for ideas and inspiration. It was a blast to buy a copy of a Lowrider magazine and see my own work there. You can also find this piece published in the River’s Voice: A Journal of Art and Literature (vol. 12) published by Rio Hondo College.
As I get them scanned, I will be posting drawings here that I made during the planning phase such as the skulls below. I also will include some tips I came across that can help artists working with India ink and nib pens.
Drawing with one color is extremely challenging in that items need to be juxtaposed in such a way that they do not bleed together in pure black.
Death Awaits
Skulls Here are three views of a human skull I made so as to better understand the structural features of a human face. I consulted Gray’s Anatomy. Given the theme of this particular piece, it wasn’t necessary to add flesh!